It's easier to conserve energy and save money when you know how much you're actually using. However, we often tend to overlook some of the small appliances in ...
READ MORE +Consumers really enjoy the benefits of prepaid electricity plans nowadays. These pay-as-you-go plans make it easy for you to get service without all the ...
READ MORE +There are many things that cause the power to go out during storms and other harsh weather conditions. You shouldn't sit around wondering what to do if the ...
READ MORE +Living in a deregulated electricity market means you get to shop for an energy provider who will save you money on your monthly electric bill. As you shop ...
READ MORE +There are three different types of coffee makers that are commonly used in American homes. When you want to know about the energy used by a coffee maker you'll ...
READ MORE +When you sit by a camp fire you get both heat and thermal energy. Some people think that these terms both mean the same thing. However, there's actually a ...
READ MORE +Millions of people are now enjoying the best electricity rates in Houston, TX because of deregulation. However, with more than 60 energy providers competing ...
READ MORE +Aquarium electricity consumption is a major cost factor, third only to food and maintenance costs. This is because you need more electricity to run things like ...
READ MORE +Kids can conserve energy and it's never too early to teach them how to do so. Not only is this a great learning experience for them, but it's also a great way ...
READ MORE +There are many types of vacuum cleaners today – stick, robot, upright, and canister models. The vacuum cleaner electricity consumption rate varies depending on ...
READ MORE +According to a survey that was conducted by the Home Heat Helpline, if you're like one in three adults, you worry about how you can improve your home's energy ...
READ MORE +Unfortunately many people don't realize they have the power to choose the best electricity rates in Laredo, Texas. However, electricity was deregulated here, ...