There are several ways that you can save electricity at school. Creating lesson plans that teach your students how to incorporate energy-saving techniques is ...
READ MORE +There's been a lot of research and development in the field of green energy (a.k.a. renewable energy) over the past three decades. This has resulted in ...
READ MORE +Today, there isn't a single person who can live without budgeting their money properly. One of the major ways we spend our money is on cooling our homes. After ...
READ MORE +Wind and solar power are the two biggest types of renewable energy. As you look through electric plans you'll see them mentioned quite often. While you ...
READ MORE +The term, free electricity, is heard a lot today when you're shopping for an electric service provider. However, it's important to understand that there really ...
READ MORE +Relying on green energy is becoming increasingly important. In fact, it could actually reduce our world's energy needs by one-third by 2050. This energy lets ...
READ MORE +Some people wonder what will happen if we run out of non-renewable resources. This is something that researchers have also been pondering for quite some time ...
READ MORE +If you're like most people, you don't know the difference between a utility provider and a retail electricity provider. However, there's a difference and it's ...
READ MORE +One of the great benefits about living in Dallas, Texas is that you get to choose between a wide range of energy providers. While electric rates is the main ...
READ MORE +It's easier to conserve energy and save money when you know how much you're actually using. However, we often tend to overlook some of the small appliances in ...
READ MORE +Consumers really enjoy the benefits of prepaid electricity plans nowadays. These pay-as-you-go plans make it easy for you to get service without all the ...
READ MORE +There are many things that cause the power to go out during storms and other harsh weather conditions. You shouldn't sit around wondering what to do if the ...